Exhibition: Return

28 / 09 / 2024 - 16 / 03 / 2025

Who Noah Breuer
Where Havlíček Villa, Břeclav–Poštorná

Voluntary entrance fee

Noah Breuer is an American artist originally from Berkeley, California. His work explores themes of family, identity, tradition, labour and diaspora. At Havlíček-Villa you will see a project that summarizes the artist’s research into textile design and textile societies in Bohemia and Moravia at the beginning of the 20th century. His case study was the textile printing house Karel Breuer a synové (Carl Breuer & Sons; CB&S), founded by his Jewish ancestors in 1897 in Dvůr Králové nad Labem and confiscated by the Nazis in 1939. Referring to his family, most of whom were sent to concentration camps from which they never returned, Breuer’s first solo exhibition in Europe marks a return of sorts of his visual sources from the United States to their Czech homeland.
The exhibition will show both original and newly conceived modern ornamental motifs in the form of printing on various artistic media – from glass to textiles, wood to paper. In cooperation with the Moravian Glory Foundation, purely Moravian collection will be created which will also be presented at the exhibition.
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